Abstract:Objective:To study on elution property of pigment contained in fructo-oligofructose from Morinda officinalis suitable by resin adsorption. Method: With decolorization rate and retention rate of oligosaccharide as indexes, suitable resin was chosen,and static and dynamic adsorption tests were carried out to investigate decolorization effect of fructo-oligofructose from M. officinalis by single factor test.The content of nystose was determined by HPLC-ELSD. Result: D941 resin was chosen,optimum technology conditions were as follows:room temperature(25 ℃),oligosaccharide solution 4 BV(pH 5.88,15 g·L-1), flow rate 4 BV·h-1,diameter high ratio 1∶10.Under these conditions, decolorization rate and retention rate of oligosaccharide were 92.54%,82.76%,respectively,and the content of nystose increased from 22.46% to 29.94%. Conclusion: D941 resin had good decolorization effect on fructo-oligofructose from M. officinalis.