Abstract:Objective: To establish the quality standard of honey bran fried Bombyx Batryticatus. Method: According to the provisions of the Chinese pharmacopoeia methods for microscopic identification, the moisture content, ash content, extract and content were determined. Adopted the chroma difference meter to measure chroma changes before and after processed by using the CIE-LAB chroma value as indicators. The TLC identification was improved based on reference methods and the effects were good. Result: The research results showed that the processed products and raw products had the same microscopic characteristics, and the moisture content was about 6.0%, the total ash content mean was 5.4%, the acid insoluble ash content was 0.12%, water-soluble extract content mean was 21.4%, alcohol-soluble extract content was 13.44%. The thin layer identify showed that the methanol extracts of processed products and raw products were almost not different from each other. But the color difference was quite evident. The processed products' total chrominance mean value was 47.269, and the raw products' total product color value of the mean was 60.595.In L*, a*, b* value as indicators, the honey bran fried products from the numerical value of the L* range of 45.984±3.998, a* value is in the range of 8.315±2.149, b* value was 8.949±3.322.The content of ammonium oxalate in honey bran fried Bombyx Batryticatus should not be less than 4.0%. Conclusion: This quality standards and regulations are both in the range of the product quality standard of Bombyx Batryticatus in China pharmacopoeia except of the color identification. So it can be used as a honey stir frying with bran quality standard of reference.