Abstract:Objective: To analyze and study the rule of prescription formulation based on the active components of the the Soup of Banxia (Rhizoma Pinelliae), Baishu (Rhizoma Atractyloids Macrocephalae) and Tianma (Rhizoma Gastrodiae). Method :To take apart the soup according to the law of Monarch, Minister, Assistant and Guide, to determine the contents of gastrodin in Tianma which represents the monarch drug in different decomposed recipes using HPLC, and to research the essence of compatibility of the soup from the changes in gastrodin content. Result : The gastrodin in Tianma is 11.4 mg/g, while the levels of gastrodin in Tianma + Banxia, in Tianma +Juhong, in Tianma + Gancao, in Tianma+Banxia+Baishu+Fuling+ Juhong and in Tianma+Banxia+Baishu+Fuling+Juhong + Gancao are all higher than that in Tianma alone. Conclusion: Most of the drugs in the soup except Baishu and Fuling have various degree of promoter action for the extraction yield of gastrodin.