Abstract:Objective:Through studying time change rule of compositions derived from Coptidis Rhizoma absorbed into the blood, to clear in vivo directly effective substance and metabolic process of Coptidis Rhizoma. Method: Serum pharmacochemistry method was adopted to study distribution, number and state(prototype components or metabolites) of chemical compositions from Coptidis Rhizoma absorbed into the body, then investigate its variation with time. Result: This study determined five components(epiberberine, jateorhizine, coptisine, palmatine and berberine hydrochloride) among these nine components from Coptidis Rhizoma absorbed into the body;in addition to peak 2 identified as metabolites by analysis, other peaks were in prototype form into the body.After peak 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 were absorbed into the blood, blood drug concentration reached its peak in a certain period of time(120 min), peak time was longer, and then was eliminated with the blood circulation in the body.After peak 3 and 4 were absorbed into the blood, blood drug concentration decreased, but their relative contents were increased, which indicated conversion of other components to them. Conclusion: Main components of compositions derived from Coptidis Rhizoma absorbed into the blood can be detected at 60 min after administration, they reach peak value at 120 min, their contents at 240 min are similar to these at 60 min;minor components can be transformed from other components.Effective components directly in the body may be determined by analyzing components of drugs from serum after taking medicines orally, scientific administration and combination scheme of traditional Chinese medicine can establish by according to change rule of components from serum after taking medicines orally.